Disrupt Yourself

At a time when I knew I was ready for change but had no idea what that might be or how it might happen I read this book. It was just the catalyst I needed. In one simple, elegant “S” I understood how I had reached a plateau and mastery in one field, and...
I am a “go-getter”

I am a “go-getter”

I am a “go-getter”. I was recently told that by someone about to offer me a job. Words are powerful and I was a little taken aback. WHAT??? It didn’t sound like a compliment, but more like a personality defect that they would tolerate but had to acknowledge. Does that...
The Paradoxical Theory of Change….

The Paradoxical Theory of Change….

One of the great joys of becoming a coach has been studying things NOT RELATED TO MEDICINE for the first time in umm, decades. It has been fun, enlightening, and so many times given me an “Aha!” moment. The Gestalt concept of the “paradoxical theory of change” was one...