What Inspires Me

Mar 29, 2022 | What I'm Reading

Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals

Written By: Oliver Burkeman

Early in January I sat down to read this book; somehow it seemed like a perfect New Year’s choice. Well, it turned out to be a perfect life choice. It actually inspired me to write my first ever KevinMD article:  The new rules of time management. (put in link)

Why did I love this book so much? For starters, the chapters are short and Burkeman is a thought-provoking and entertaining writer. So,I’d finish a chapter and say….ok, just one more! And on I’d go. His title point resonated hugely. If we’re lucky we have about 80 years, or four thousand weeks. How do you want to spend that limited time? After fighting to get everything done that was humanly or inhumanly possible for years and just feeling exhausted most of the time, revisiting my relationship with time, what it meant to me, and thinking about how I CHOSE to use it felt very empowering. 

Treat yourself. Sit still for a little while, and read this book. You may even want to read it more than once. Let yourself relax into the truth that we can never get everything done and it’s not a race. Live life and enjoy it to the fullest.

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